See Women and Men's reviews toward the bottom of Page
(A)Rhonda made me feel so welcome from the second that I walked into her office. She was wrapping up but made sure to come out and introduce herself and let me know that she would be with me shortly. Stepping into her office was so calming. It smelled of essential oils and the air was warm. Soothing music made me feel at ease, since I had some looming anxiety never having acupuncture done before. She was really thorough in explaining the process and what I needed to know concerning some of the reasons I was there. For having a “fear” of needles, I can say there is nothing to fear with Rhonda. She is gentle and calm and definitely puts her client/patient first. She is so knowledgeable and you can feel that right from the get go. Both my significant other and I would highly recommend visiting Rhonda for your acupuncture needs! - Pam
(B) Our teenage daughter has been seeing Rhonda for over a year now. She had been to multiple psychologists/therapists through the years for her ODD and anxiety, but none were ever successful and she fought us every time and every step. Acupuncture was the first thing to work for her after trying these avenues, as well as trying prescription medications. Initially the needles were a fear of hers. Rhonda was quick to address this....you don’t need to insert the needles always, “taping the needles” to specific points has done wonders. Rhonda continues to get to know her on a personal level and generally cares about her patients, we cannot tell you the times she texted / called us to check on her progress and how she was doing. Our daughter has developed such a love and respect for Rhonda and Healing Medicine that she is now wanting to go to college for Acupuncture and Healing Medicine. Rhonda has been a Godsend. - Paula
(C) I was very nervous before my first treatment about the needling process because I was unsure what to expect & if there would be pain. I was so surprised how effective it was and no pain or fear. Now I am able to see my children have great success with needling when they go in for Acupuncture at Harvest Seed.
Thank you - Carol
(D) Harvest Seed Acupuncture has recently begun practice in Northfield (sharing space with but independent of Noble Chiropractic). The room had a very pleasant feel and calming atmosphere, with soothing music and a comfortably warm temperature (very welcoming on a cold Minnesota day!). Rhonda is obviously well trained, compassionate, and passionate about what she offers to her clients. Harvest Seed Acupuncture is a terrific addition to our local alternative medicine options. For my first experience with acupuncture, Rhonda was very reassuring. She instantly put me as ease with a lovely cup of tea as we reviewed the forms I had submitted online prior to my appointment. She not only addressed my primary issues, but also gave me some excellent health and nutritional advice to enhance healing and well-being for my individual body type. A light massage was given prior to the acupuncture treatment, and Rhonda carefully explained each step in the process as she went along. The momentary sensation of the needles was unfamiliar, but not uncomfortable. What I definitely could feel was a wonderful release of tension and relief of muscle tightness as the procedure progressed. Thank you Rhonda… I will certainly be returning! ~ Sharon
(E) Ms Rhonda as they would call you in Alabama I was really impressed with your wanting my background on health and wellness. I can't remember anyone being so thorough about my health. I am already seeing a change in my head (essential) tremors, hard for me to believe it, after living for years with it. So glad Dr Noble told me about you. Looking forward to seeing what the Chinese herbs do for me. ~ Bonnie
(F) I have had acupuncture on two previous occasions with results that were fairly neutral as to their effectiveness. Reading about a new acupuncture business in town I thought I would give it one more try. Three days later I still feel more calm and relaxed than usual. I found Rhonda to be very knowledgeable and professional. Her treatment was indeed effective. It's nice to have this new option in town. ~ Craig
(G) As a new patient experiencing acupuncture for the first time I was very impressed with Rhonda's professionalism to really get to know my past history of health and wellness as it related to my current need for medical assistance. Her calming, reassuring demeanor and genuine interest in me as a person first and a patient second has made a world of difference in my care and treatment. I wholeheartedly have enjoyed and prospered from the experience. ~ Mike
(H) I've looked for an acupuncturist for quite some time to help with my digestive and hip problems. Rhonda Witmer at Harvest Seed Acupuncture was very helpful and informative in a friendly professional way, the best! - Sally Jane
(I) I have been seeing Rhonda for about seven weeks. The results are wonderful. I was only sleeping about two hours a night now it’s between six and seven. I can actually ride in the vehicle for more than a hour without having to stop and walk. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone with restless legs. - Cindy
I have been coming to see Rhonda to help me deal with my anxiety for a few sessions already. This is another option for me besides other therapies including taking anti anxiety meds which I don't want to do. I prefer an alternative approach ! Rhonda is very professional and knowledgeable... best of all she has such a kind caring way about her. She loves her work and it shows! The needles don't bother me at all ... I am so relaxed and almost asleep. The latest session I went so deep into a meditative like state which was a bit emotional for me but, wonderful to experience. I am working on quite a bit of issues that have been locked up so long ! I feel much more at peace now. I am Finally letting it all go. Thank you Rhonda .... ~ Sincerely, Rose.
I highly recommend Rhonda for acupuncture. I recently was getting ready for a big trip and was quite anxious about all the preparations and family tensions. So I had a treatment to balance and calm my nerves. It made all the difference. I was able to travel with great energy and the relatives weren't an issue. I especially enjoy acupuncture before and after traveling and being with relatives! ~ Marabeth
I received acupuncture for stress relief. It greatly calmed and reduced my anxiety. I continue to go about every 4-6 weeks as a wellness practice. I feel more balanced and can't remember the last time I've been sick. Thank you Rhonda! ~ Sincerely, Catherine
- I have struggled with Bell's Palsy for over seven years. I never regained full motion in the left side of my face as I had hoped. I managed well enough but really noticed it in pictures. My smile was always my best feature and to have that altered was hard. Over the years I just accepted that this could not be healed and did my best to ignore it. That all changed in February, 2016 this year. My husband met Rhonda and she shared with him that she is an acupuncturist and that it can be an effective treatment for Bell's Palsy. I made an appointment and after the first session I had movement in my upper lip area! I was stunned that this actually worked. I have now had three sessions and the movement I am regaining is incredible! Last week I had a woman notice that something was different on my face. Rhonda is very knowledgeable and skilled. I had never considered acupuncture before, not that I was opposed to it, rather, I just didn't consider it as an option. I am very excited to see what happens during the next weeks' sessions. ~ Jean
- Update # 2: I am now several weeks into my acupuncture treatment for Bell's Palsy. Recently my eye was watering for the first time in over seven years! My face feels like it is coming to life again and I have had people ask me what is different. Rhonda continues to treat me with great skill and care. ~ Jean.
- Update #3: I have now had many months of treatment for Bell's Palsy. Rhonda and I have been able to figure out a schedule for me to maintain the improvement. She continues to be a blessing to me with her care and insight. One added aspect that I appreciate connected to my healing has been Rhonda's holistic approach. Rhonda has inspirational books available, wall hangings with scripture and music that feeds my soul. ~Jean
A) Eczema: I contacted Harvest Seed Acupuncture with concerns about my one year old son's eczema. We knew he had food sensitivities from prior testing, but we were still having a hard time controlling the eczema flares. Rhonda recommended an herbal drops for our son. The drops worked wonders for his skin. It instantly cleared up and we continue to use these with him. The drops are easy to use and are easily administered to a young child. After so many lotions and topical steroids, I am at ease knowing I am giving him something safe, natural, and effective. JJ
B) Bladder Control: My 8 year old daughter has been going to Harvest Seed Acupuncture for several months now and has had great success. Originally she started seeing her for bladder control. We started using bladder control for dry nights which is a Chinese herbal supplement. It is easy for her to take and has a nice flavor. The improvement from this herb and her appointments with Rhonda had a very positive shift in her bladder issues. We have gone from almost each night of bed wetting to several nights without any accidents if any at all. ~Betty
C) Anxiety/Worry: Recently we also started using calm and grounding , another Chinese herbal supplement to help with anxiety and worry so far we have seen great improvement with this herb too. Our daughter loves seeing Rhonda at Harvest seed acupuncture, this is one appointment she really looks forward going to. In this environment she feels comfortable asking questions and it is really relaxing for her. As a parent it is so important to have other options for medicine
and to work with someone like Rhonda who is very personable, knowledgeable & professional. We have been so fortunate to introduce Chinese medicine into our life and such a positive outlook already. Thanks for all your hard work Rhonda. ~Betty
D) Breathing: My one-year old son (Isaac) was having considerable chest/nasal congestion and breathing difficulties. I took him to Rhonda who worked on his acupressure points and it was very helpful is draining his congestion and providing pain relief. She also gave us the recipe for a tea which worked wonders to get the phlegm out — and it worked on my seasonal allergies like a charm! ~ Mom Rachael
E) Head Ticks & Headaches: Rhonda and Harvest Seed Acupuncture have been amazing in treating my daughter who is middle school age. When we first came to Rhonda she was suffering from head tics, headaches and stomach problems. Rhonda spent time with my daughter before her first treatment explaining how acupuncture works and that it would not hurt. Her first treatment went great! We left and she said to me, "When do we get to go back again?!" My husband and I noticed fantastic results after her first treatment. Her tics, headaches, and stomach issues lessoned and she had a much more calming demeanor. It has been three weeks since her last treatment and her tics have been nonexistent and she has not complained of a headache or stomachache. I would definitely recommend Rhonda and Harvest Seed Acupuncture. She has done wonders for my daughters health. ~Hillary
F) Chronic cough: Our 7 year old son had a chronic dry cough daily for the last year and a half. It was really becoming distracting to him at home & school. After many attempts to heal this cough nothing seemed to work so we decided to try acupuncture. It was after his first two treatments that we noticed a significant positive outcome. He was very open to the new approach to treat his cough and looks forward to his treatments at HSA. Rhonda is so compassionate with her patients and really makes each appointment all about your needs and listens very well to what you have concerns or questions about. We highly recommend Harvest Seed Acupuncture to everyone especially parents who are looking for alternative options for their children's health. - Sara
G) Chronic Ear Infection: When my child had a series of ear infections this winter, I assumed antibiotics were our only option. However, each time she ended a cycle of antibiotics, the ear infection would return within 2-3 days, because the fluid wasn't draining from her ears. In addition, she was showing some developmental delays that we thought might be related to hearing problems. Our pediatrician recommended trying alternative care options. After a few weeks of acupuncture, Chinese herbs, and chiropractor care, she is finally healthy, and with no fluid in her ears! Not only is she sleeping better at night now, but her language skills have also grown dramatically, now that her hearing isn't muffled by fluid. Working with Rhonda and Dr. Noble has been wonderful; they are both committed and personable care professionals, and they've helped give my child the boost her body needed to heal itself. - Jennifer
After two rounds of antibiotics and severe deep coughing for over three months. I turned to Acupuncture in large part due to desperation, frustration, and a third round of antibiotics in a very short period of time which didn't sound healthy. My cough was transformed into a productive cough (phlegm removed) that lessen with each passing day. In two treatments, I was 95% better. Rhonda was helpful in many ways including starting me on Kombucha to strengthen my immune stomach gut system. Rhonda also encourage me to change my diet thru food therapy for my cold. ~ Olivia {Would you like a free Kombucha starter kit ?....email Rhonda}
Nine months ago I saw a doctor for my stomach pain, bloating, and general discomfort. The doctor was pretty sure I had an ulcer. Traditional treatments made me feel slightly better but all symptoms resumed if I stopped the medications. The next step was more invasive so I decided to try acupuncture first. Within the first treatment I started to feel better than I had felt in a year and within a couple treatments I began to feel almost normal. I am sure I will be healed soon. I am so grateful to Rhonda. ~ Joan
B) Reactive Gastritis (chronic)
Great quote from Maya Angelo: People will forget what they hear and say, but never how you made them feel.... Rhonda made me feel hopeful, powerful and spiritual.....I am one of the Baby Boomer Hepatitis C crowd. I have been plagued with unexplained health issues for decades. Finally, I was diagnosed at age 50, after 30 plus years of joint pain, flu-like symptoms, anxiety and depression. My digestive issues led me to an endoscopy. I haves Reactive Gastritis. Basically, I have holes in my stomach. Decades of OTC pain relievers, pre-diagnosis drinking, and other ways of relieving my Hep C issues changed the lining in my stomach. I have been sick with on going stomach pain since 2014. Not today. I saw Rhonda and between the {Chinese} Herbs and treatment she gave me, my stomach is much better. She researched for me and found herbs and acupuncture points specifically for ME!! ~ Grace
C) IBS (chronic)
- Rhonda is a knowledgeable and compassionate practitioner who attentively shares her knowledge of acupuncture for your betterment. I too appreciate the education aspects in addition to the therapeutic effects for my concerns. She took a comprehensive health history and ask many questions about my stomach issues. This was my first experience with acupuncture and Rhonda made me feel right at ease by explaining everything in advance and as she went along. I prefer an alternative approach to my health concerns and was happy Dr. Noble referred her to me. I am feeling much better already and am looking forward to continued and sustained improvement. I highly recommend her. ~ Stella
- Update #2: It seemed like every time I had to be somewhere at a specific time, I would experience frequent and urgent bouts of diarrhea. After six treatments, I no longer feel this way. Feel as if I have my life back again and not being controlled by my stomach issues. This problem has bothered me for many years and had gotten worse this past year. Rhonda is a very caring, knowledgeable and professional practitioner. If you would like to try a more natural alternative approach for your health, I highly recommend Rhonda. ~ Stella
- Update #3: Just returned from a week long vacation, I did not have one day or one minute of stomach issues-thank you Rhonda! ~ Stella
For about 6 years, I have been experiencing lots of digestive issues, including burping, bloating, indigestion, and constipation. Rhonda was recommended by a friend who had experienced amazing results, so I thought "What do I have to lose? I might as well try her." Having had at least 4 sessions with Rhonda and having learned so much , I am surprised at how well I am feeling. Rhonda is very professional; she made me feel comfortable from the start and listened to my past history (what I had tried before without much success.) I've improved 60% already and am only in the middle of my road to good digestive health. I'm so glad my friend told me about her and now I can recommend seeing Rhonda to anyone. ~Sandy
D) Constipation (chronic)
I came to Rhonda for a number of issues. One was constipation. A fiber rich diet and OTC medicines over the course of my life had started to be ineffective. In following Rhonda's suggestions and treatments I am happy to say that I feel better than I have in a long time. I look forward to continued improvement in my health. ~ Elle
After one treatment for my constipation, I have more than one normal bowel movement daily. No more abdominal pain, bloating after suffering for many years with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) ~ Susan
E) Digestive Pain/Bloating
For years, I have experienced digestive pain, discomfort and bloating which is down 60% after one treatment. After one week, my stools are regular. After the first treatment, I felt emotionally and physically on the way to better health and happiness. Thank you! Sally Jane
F) Trigeminal Nerve Injury
May 31st I had 2 mini strokes. I was advised that my Carotid Artery had a blockage. It would need to be opened up and the blockage removed. The surgery did not go well. I was unable to swallow any liquids or solids. I ended up up with a tube in my stomach so I could feed myself a special liquid mix. After 2 months of therapy I was able to swallow liquids. But if there was any taste or flavor, it would cause extreme pain in my mouth. After 6 months at the request of my wife I started treatment with Rhonda. I found her to be very caring and knowledgeable of my condition. Before she would start a treatment she would ask questions of my condition and answer any that I might have. Jan 14th 8 months after my surgery I was able to stop the tube feedings. I know that without Rhonda and her treatments this may not have happened. - Jake
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A) Chronic
I have seen Rhonda for recurring tension headaches with amazing results. I have had headaches most of my life but within the last year they had become almost daily, draining me of all energy. I had tried so many conventional treatments for headaches and even other acupuncture practitioners and nothing worked. After one treatment I had about 70% relief. After 4 treatments they are almost 90% gone and I am positive they will continue to subside. I feel like a new person. Rhonda is thorough, kind, and knowledgeable. I wholeheartedly recommend her. ~ Julia
B) Migraines
I suffered with migraines for years and tried most treatments. My most recent had been Botox injections to my face and head by a neurologist. While they helped with the headaches, I had lost feeling in my forehead and was still taking pain medication which left me feeling ill. My physician recommended I try acupuncture as an alternative and referred me to Rhonda. Rhonda has been great to work with. I feel like we are a team when it comes to my health. After only a couple of sessions, my migraines were reduced both in frequency and in strength. It has definitely worked for me and I recommend it to anyone open to trying an alternative route to better health ~ Mary
I am/ was struggling with pain/burning sensation in my left heel and side effect induced migraines (resulting from Hep C treatment). Had been thinking about trying acupuncture as I had not gotten relief from other sources. Came to Harvest Seed w/an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. Imagine my surprise (pleasant) upon being an unannounced walk in and receiving my initial consultation/ treatment. Results: immediate migraine relief, also foot pain relief. After this initial treatment: I was surprised @ the level of "being relaxed" that I have not felt in a very long time , the amount of relief from the targeted treatment. Have had 2 visits so far and will be returning as needed/ necessary. ~ John
I was treated by Rhonda as a student intern, but I knew her as a friendly face and upper-class student before making an appointment with her. I needed some new Chinese Herbs for diminished hearing and complications. I felt comfortable with Rhonda and knew she would listen to exactly what I needed-- and indeed this was one of the best parts of my two visits with her! Rhonda was both personable and professional; she even sent me a couple follow-up emails with instructions for my herbal formulas. I appreciated this so much, and I would recommend Rhonda as a practitioner to anyone! ~ Laura
After four treatments for insomnia, I was able to go to bed and fall asleep and stay sleeping for 6-8 hours a night. Before the treatments, I couldn't fall asleep at night, tossing and turning all night for many years. I wake up now more refreshed, don't feel as tired and have more energy. ~ Susan.
When I began acupuncture, I was very uncomfortable with needles. Rhonda is a very gentle and compassionate practitioner. She helped me through my fear and now treatments are my favorite part of my day. My visits to Harvest Seed Acupuncture are a key part of my stress management, mental and emotional health care.-Connie
I knew upon meeting Rhonda she would change my life. In using, Acupuncture, Cupping, and ear seeds, I have spent the last 5 days pain free. Rhonda has an energy about her that is instantly calming and knowing. I am very happy this door has been opened for me." I am very excited to you again!!!! ~ Irene
Rhonda gave me a treatment a couple of years ago while she was in training. We discussed the areas I was feeling tightness and she was able to address those areas with great skill. She would do a great job at relieving stress areas in your back. ~ Patty
I visited Harvest Seed Acupuncture for severe back pain. I was given such excellent help and had amazing results in short order. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone looking for relief. And she is very thorough in her intake and assessment before she begins. I am keeping her on my #1 list. ~ Lilly
I sought help for an old injury that had recently become extremely painful ( mostly 7 or 8 on a 10 point scale with spikes to 9) especially when trying to sleep. After my first acupuncture session the pain was reduced to a 4 to 5 with rare spikes for 3 days then gradually returned but not to the previous severity. After the fourth appointment, that level of relief is now down to 2 to 3 and seems constant. Rhonda showed me a simple massage technique that I have been using when I get occasional spikes and the relief is immediate. Rhonda's approach is very professional and reassuring, she explains the rational for her procedures and takes the time to answer questions and discuss issues. -John
I decided to try acupuncture to help relieve jaw pain I was experiencing. Since I started being treated by you I have little to no jaw pain. You also have helped to identify and treat some other discomforts I have experienced in the recent past. All with a positive outcome. You are very pleasant and wonderful to work with. I enjoy the experience as it is very relaxing and peaceful, certainly a practice in meditation. I would recommend you to anyone looking for some alternative medicine treatment.
After two treatments, I was able to bend more freely with less pain. I have a torn meniscus on my left knee plus very tight muscles. It is a work in progress. I am loving doing my gardening without all the joint pain. ~ Susan
I am/ was struggling with pain/burning sensation in my left heel and side effect induced migraines (resulting from Hep C treatment). Had been thinking about trying acupuncture as I had not gotten relief from other sources. Came to Harvest Seed w/an open mind and a healthy dose of skepticism. Imagine my surprise (pleasant) upon being an unannounced walk in and receiving my initial consultation/ treatment. Results: immediate migraine relief, also foot pain relief. After this initial treatment: I was surprised @ the level of "being relaxed" that I have not felt in a very long time , the amount of relief from the targeted treatment. Have had 2 visits so far and will be returning as needed/ necessary. ~ John
I came to HSA because of my constant neck and back pain and anxiety. Within a couple sessions, my neck and back pain was lowered considerably, and my homework and responsibilities seemed doable. When I come in with a situational complaint (cold, PMS), Rhonda has different points that she can focus on to alleviate my symptoms. Overall, I feel a lot better leaving HSA than I do when I enter! Thank you Rhonda! ~ Aubrey
I have experienced severe neck pain caused by 3 separate neck injuries for over 30. About a year ago I decided to go to Rhonda and try acupuncture. i am so grateful I did after the first treatment I experienced relief and could not believe the results. I kept going back and am so glad as where at one time I was in constant pain now i have days of no pain at all. Rhonda is careful and always concerned about my comfort and how I am doing physically not just neck pain but other aspects of my health and has helped with that also. I would recommend her to anyone. ~ Brooke
I made an appointment with Harvest Seed Acupuncture to seek relief from a long-standing problem with Plantar Fasciitis, which Rhonda focused on. But in my consultation with her, I also shared that I had anxiety-related issues, so she designed an integrated treatment to address several concerns. I was very pleased that Rhonda was not just interested in treating an ailment, but was interested in me as a whole person. ~ Betsy
I recently visited Harvest Seed acupuncture for heel and foot pain. Rhonda proved to be very knowledgeable and put me to ease immediately. She had obviously reviewed my forms and gave careful thought to treatment ideas prior to my appointment. I appreciated the details and information she provided along with the professional care. It is one week later now and my pain is greatly reduced. I will definitely be recommending Rhonda to friends and family. ~ Janet
I have been seeing Rhonda for about seven weeks. The results are wonderful. I was only sleeping about two hours a night now it’s between six and seven. I can actually ride in the vehicle for more than a hour without having to stop and walk. I would recommend Rhonda to anyone with restless legs. - Cindy
I highly recommend Rhonda for her acupuncture skills and knowledge. I've had several sessions. One time was for a very badly sprained ankle. My medical doctor said it would take all summer to heal. I then went to receive 3 acupuncture sessions. I immediately had relief from pain and the healing time was greatly reduced to under 4 weeks. The other times I received acupuncture was for stress relief. It greatly calmed and reduced my anxiety. I continue to go about every 4-6 weeks as a wellness practice. I feel more balanced and can't remember the last time I've been sick. Thank you Rhonda! ~ Sincerely, Catherine
I came to Rhonda, after experiencing pain in my left shoulder, specifically my rotator cuff, for over six months. I do not remember an incident where I injured it, but maybe from overuse, or working out too aggressively doing push ups possibly. Rhonda spent a great amount of time with me on that first visit, getting to know everything about my past physical, mental, and emotional history. She educated me a bit on Chinese medicine, explaining how acupuncture works. I have found her to be very professional, and yet easy to talk to, knowing that my information will be kept private. I have done 3 or 4 sessions of acupuncture over the past six weeks, and would say that my pain is probably 70% better than when I started. I was not able to lift my arm over my head at my first visit, but I can now do so. I am still careful and cautious as I move or put on my clothes, but my shoulder does not ache on its own any more. I am very pleased with my overall experience with Rhonda, and will continue to come back as needed. ~ Jennifer
For five years I endured serious chronic neck pain. After MRI’s, consultation and injections from an Orthopedic Surgeon and a Neurosurgeon I found no substantial or lasting benefit. Being uneasy at the prospect of spine surgery, I consulted with Rhonda Witmer concerning Acupuncture treatments. By the time I had seen her six times I had significant relief from my pain and after ten sessions my neck pain was reduced by at least ninety percent. After three months the benefit is maintained! I appreciate the help provided by Rhonda and her professional approach to my care. - Todd
Regional Pain Complex Syndrome
- Update #1: I went to Rhonda with a bazaar nerve disorder for six months. She not only treated my initial problem, but treated me as a whole that unites the issues. I made big steps in my abilities to recover my life, with positive medical care that was non-invasive. I recommend acupuncture to anyone who is questioning their medical advice and choose a more ancient, proven way of treating a disorder. AND a plus, meditation for your heart beating to Rhonda's clock at 60 beats per minute. Plus ! Plus ! ~ Renee
- Update #2: Yes, you can say no to medical doctors and heal with less invasive with Acupuncture just as quickly. I have no side effects and heals as the whole body. Rhonda also worked on my stress level with returning to work with six months off. ~ Renee.
- Update #3: Rhonda put me on a herb mix for hand health. Within 2 weeks I was able to touch my fingers to my palm. Nothing else changed. I still do my therapy. But I feel that in combination with the nerve relaxer she also prescribed to me made the right combination for my hand. I always felt that I was just trying to maintain what we have achieved. But this is so exciting for me, to continue to get more flexibility.
Trigeminal Nerve Injury
May 31st I had 2 mini strokes. I was advised that my Carotid Artery had a blockage. It would need to be opened up and the blockage removed. The surgery did not go well. I was unable to swallow any liquids or solids. I ended up up with a tube in my stomach so I could feed myself a special liquid mix. After 2 months of therapy I was able to swallow liquids. But if there was any taste or flavor, it would cause extreme pain in my mouth. After 6 months at the request of my wife I started treatment with Rhonda. I found her to be very caring and knowledgeable of my condition. Before she would start a treatment she would ask questions of my condition and answer any that I might have. Jan 14th 8 months after my surgery I was able to stop the tube feedings. I know that without Rhonda and her treatments this may not have happened. - Jake
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I met Rhonda at Northwestern Health and Sciences University when she worked as a clinical intern there. She is very kind, gentle, fun and warm person. She is very patient to answer my questions regarding Chinese acupuncture and herbal intake. She treated my eczema problem with acupuncture and herbal formula for 3 months, and the result was very good, as my itchiness and dryness had been improved and I could sleep very well without any irritation. I would like to recommend her to people in Northfield who has similar problem! ~ Sam
I started seeing Rhonda due mainly to having problems with my sleep and she has really helped me with that. A few months ago I noticed I was having a little pain in an area where I had a scar from a fatty benign tumor that was removed over 30+ years ago. I have had problems with this area on and off for years. I mentioned it to her and we decided to see how it would react to acupuncture. After 1 treatment it looked much better and felt much better. After the 2nd treatment it looked and felt even better. I was very happy with the results as I was worried I may have to go in and have the scar tissue surgically removed, which sounded like it would just create more scar tissue. Rhonda was very professional while needling the area making sure I was comfortable. If you are thinking of trying acupuncture, I would highly recommend Rhonda. -Simon Larsen
After trying Acupuncture for joint problems and being happy with my results. I decided to see Rhonda when I developed a Urinary Tract Infection. After two treatments, I can say that my problem has improved 90%!! I would happily recommend Rhonda to everyone. Her caring manner makes it a joy to see her... Thank you Rhonda. - Mark
A) Bladder
For over a year I have been bothered by a condition that causes intense and chronic burning of the bladder. In addition, the urine had an extremely foul odor and there was a need to urinate frequently day and night. Nothing relieved the discomfort, and to make matters worse, the pain was exacerbated by spicy, acidic and citric foods, as well as caffeine and alcohol! After seeing my regular doctor it was determined that it was not a bacterial or yeast infection, and I was referred to a urologist. The results of that exam indicated I had interstitial cystitis, a condition in which the lining of the bladder has worn away and nerve ending are exposed. The medicine prescribed had side effects that definitely were not appealing to me - hair loss, liver dysfunction, bruising, to name a few!!! So when a friend recommended I try acupuncture with Rhonda, I jumped at the suggestion. Much to my amazement, the results have been profound! After only one treatment, the pain was gone, as was the need to urinate frequently and the foul odor! I have had several more treatments and none of my symptoms have returned. I have been so impressed and I'm excited about working with her with other health concerns. Rhonda is truly an exceptional health practitioner who offers a holistic approach to healing. She is an expert in the field of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture; she exhibits incredible knowledge, seeks a thorough understanding of her patients' medical health, and offers suggestions for overall wellness-all of this in a warm and caring manner!! ~ Joan
Rhonda took extra special care with me; her gentle and intelligent approach made me feel safe and perfectly satisfied. I will continue to receive acupuncture monthly for my wellness self care. ~ Jasmin
HSA guides you in treating infertility, pregnancy, birthing and postpartum.
A) Erectile Dysfunction:
I have been visiting Harvest Seed Acupuncture for last 6 months for a couple health problems; lower back problems and sexual dysfunction. It has been going quite well on both accounts and my back is much healthy plus I do not struggle with ED (Erectile Dysfunction) has I have in the past. Rhonda very professional plus the treatments are very relaxing. She has addressed both issues and I will continue to visit her office. Thanks ~ Patrick
B) Injury:
"A few years ago I sustained an injury where no man would want to be injured. One of them was crushed so bad I'm still feeling the effects of it now. I've been to doctors and urologists and I'm still trying to find a solution to my pain and swelling. A friend of mine suggested I see Rhonda at Harvest Seed Acupuncture and I was a little hesitant at first but I have to tell you she has been so caring and thoughtful that I now look forward to each visit. If you are a guy and are looking for some relief from your pain, I would suggest giving this place a try, she will make you feel at ease no matter what your issue may be. ~ Frank
C) Sexual Desire:
Rhonda gave me auricular (ear) needling treatment for my distraction due to sexual desire, and it works right after the treatment! I can feel the change next day and was able to focus on my daily activities. Thank you Rhonda. She is the best. I personally and strongly recommend her to everyone! ~ Lucas
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HSA guides you in treating infertility, pregnancy, birthing and postpartum.