Treatment Options
At Harvest Seed Acupuncture, we use a variety of natural techniques (listed below) and Healing herbal medicine to get your body back into balance and restoration. Are you curious and have more questions ?
At Harvest Seed Acupuncture, we use hair thin, sterile, one-time-use only needles inserted into body that will have a certain function (remove bloating….as TCM indicate as dampness). Points are chosen to work together with other points. This is the most common form of treatment for patients. In particular, Acupuncture works for the emotional imbalance that you are experiencing which is evident in your anxiety, sleepless nights, and endless cycle of stress. Is this affecting your daily living activities ? During Rhonda's clinical experiences, she was able to see first hand how quickly acupuncture works to treat anxiety, stress, and depression which may decrease the need for drugs intervention. Perhaps some of the "frequently asked questions " may answer some of your inquiries about acupuncture. Contact Harvest Seed Acupuncture for more information as we are here to help guide you in your health.
Cupping is a therapy where a warm glass jar is placed typically on the back to remove stagnation. The suction of the cup pulls up the pathogen and creates movement in the tissue. There will be a discoloration “redden circle” on your skin that may disappear in a few hours or few days depending on the severity of the pathogen. There is no pain to the patient. This method is great for oncoming colds, asthma, and muscle skeleton concerns.
Read more about cupping and Olympic athletes.
Cupping is a therapy where a warm glass jar is placed typically on the back to remove stagnation. The suction of the cup pulls up the pathogen and creates movement in the tissue. There will be a discoloration “redden circle” on your skin that may disappear in a few hours or few days depending on the severity of the pathogen. There is no pain to the patient. This method is great for oncoming colds, asthma, and muscle skeleton concerns.
Read more about cupping and Olympic athletes.
Ear (Auricular) Therapy:
Ear therapy can be used for addiction, smoking cessation, weight reduction, and detoxification. Typically, very petite needles are used or magnets which can remain on the ear for a few days to prolong the effects of the overall treatment and removed by the patient.
Ear therapy can be used for addiction, smoking cessation, weight reduction, and detoxification. Typically, very petite needles are used or magnets which can remain on the ear for a few days to prolong the effects of the overall treatment and removed by the patient.
Electrical Stimulation (E-Stem):
E stem is often used to further stimulate acupuncture points for stroke or spinal cord injuries. A pulsating electrical current application is attached to the needles to create a small pulse typically on the limbs.
E stem is often used to further stimulate acupuncture points for stroke or spinal cord injuries. A pulsating electrical current application is attached to the needles to create a small pulse typically on the limbs.
Food Therapy:
As part of our scope of practice with treatments, Harvest Seed Acupuncture can explain the impact of food and how it affects our daily living. When I started my Master’s at NWHSU, I was able to put the pieces together for food therapy and how powerful the treatments can be. As mentioned in Rhonda’s Bio, she suffers with allergies, sneezing, coughing, and phlegm especially in the late summer and fall. Rhonda decided to try the food therapy approach which was highly effective.
Would you like to read her recipe for allergies and oncoming cold using food therapy? Click here.
As part of our scope of practice with treatments, Harvest Seed Acupuncture can explain the impact of food and how it affects our daily living. When I started my Master’s at NWHSU, I was able to put the pieces together for food therapy and how powerful the treatments can be. As mentioned in Rhonda’s Bio, she suffers with allergies, sneezing, coughing, and phlegm especially in the late summer and fall. Rhonda decided to try the food therapy approach which was highly effective.
Would you like to read her recipe for allergies and oncoming cold using food therapy? Click here.
Gua Sha:
A gentle scraping of skin surface using a Gua Sha instrument that looks like a large soup spoon. A layer of essential oils is placed on the skin. We gently scrape the skin to increase tissue and blood circulation. This modality is effective for breaking up scar tissues, tight knots, asthma, cough, stiffness, and pain. There will be marks on the skin which are not harmful and fade in a few days.
A gentle scraping of skin surface using a Gua Sha instrument that looks like a large soup spoon. A layer of essential oils is placed on the skin. We gently scrape the skin to increase tissue and blood circulation. This modality is effective for breaking up scar tissues, tight knots, asthma, cough, stiffness, and pain. There will be marks on the skin which are not harmful and fade in a few days.
A dried leaf of mugwort “ Ai Ye” herb which is rolled into a stick and placed on the end of needles. This therapy is used for warming your body due to a severe health issue, Muscle Skeleton soreness, prevention of illness, and removing dampness (heaviness in your body). This termed was coined by Jesuit missionaries.
A dried leaf of mugwort “ Ai Ye” herb which is rolled into a stick and placed on the end of needles. This therapy is used for warming your body due to a severe health issue, Muscle Skeleton soreness, prevention of illness, and removing dampness (heaviness in your body). This termed was coined by Jesuit missionaries.
Tui Na “ Twee nah” :
Tui Na is a type of Healing medical massage using points and unique massage to address the specific physical complaints. Tui Na uses unique techniques to work on joints, tendons, and muscles. Touches can be light techniques to deep techniques. May we recommend not using this type of massage if you desire a relaxing massage. Common complaints may address Frozen Shoulder, Injury to AC joint, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Stiff Neck, Acute Low Back Injury, and Sciatica.
Tui Na is a type of Healing medical massage using points and unique massage to address the specific physical complaints. Tui Na uses unique techniques to work on joints, tendons, and muscles. Touches can be light techniques to deep techniques. May we recommend not using this type of massage if you desire a relaxing massage. Common complaints may address Frozen Shoulder, Injury to AC joint, Tennis Elbow, Carpal Tunnel, Stiff Neck, Acute Low Back Injury, and Sciatica.